General information

01 January, 2023

New Year Greetings 2023

The year 2023 has began.

The last year was not full of happy memories due to fundamental changes of circumstances that affected almost everyone in this world. There might be some difficulties this year as well, but I wish all of you lots of luck and happiness and overcome those obstacles.

Whilst celebrating the dawn of the new year, I would like to notify readers of this blog and followers on Twitter a few things as follows.

About this blog

As I have been busier than before and the number of viewers is dwindling in recent months, I wondered if it was worth keeping this blog regularly updated. Finally, I have decided to update this blog once every TWO weeks from January 2023. I had posted an article every Saturday, but from today, a new article will generally be available on the second and fourth Saturdays of each month. There might be more articles when necessary, for example, when an important announcement has been made by a railway company. I shall inform you via Twitter when a new article is available.

You can also visit my Japanese blog which is updated once every two weeks - the first, third (and fifth) Fridays of each month.

About social media

I have been using Twitter and it is the service I mostly rely on to communicate with other people. However, as concerns about a bleak future of Twitter grow, I have also been using Mastodon since last year. I would be appreciated if you follow my account. Feel free to ask me any question related to railways in Japan or other general topics.

Thank you for your understanding.

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